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Dr Zara Botterell

Dr Zara Botterell

PhD Fellow

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I am a PhD student with the University of Essex, based permanently at Plymouth Marine Laboratory. My PhD project is entitled ‘Ingestion of microplastics by zooplankton and implications for the wider marine ecosystem and human wellbeing’. My supervisors are Pennie Lindeque (PML), Nicky Beaumont (PML), Michael Steinke (University of Essex), Richard Thompson (Plymouth University) and Tarquin Dorrington (DEFRA).

Prior to starting my PhD, I worked at the University of Exeter (Penryn campus) as a PA and research assistant.


Botterell, Z.L.R., Beaumont, N., Dorrington, T., Steinke, M., Thompson, R.C., Lindeque, P.K. in press. Bioavailability and effects of microplastics on marine zooplankton: a review. Environmental Pollution. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.10.065

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